
Why did you choose collaborative divorce instead of litigation?

As a mental health professional who has worked with families for over 35 years, I have seen how destructive litigation can be on families.  The judicial process is set up to be adversarial and thus can create animosity and ill will that can last the generations.  On the other hand, collaborative divorce serves to help a couple work through this difficult process in ways that can be healing by moving people beyond a winner/loser position.  Research has shown that divorce does not have to have a negative impact on children and families…it all depends on how it is handled. – M.A.H.


Divorce is a very difficult life event to go through. When you have children, work and all of the other stresses in life, going through a process that will hopefully retain respect, dignity and a fair outcome to both parties was the reason I chose this process.  – Chris B.


Collaborative divorce was vastly more appealing than litigation because it allowed us to dissolve our marriage through compassionate dialogue rather than a contentious dispute. – Heather P.


For us, litigation was a last resort option, so it was a relief to find that collaborative divorce was available.  – Heather P.


What was the biggest benefit you realized in choosing the collaborative divorce method?


That the focus was on fairness, the children and being as non-confrontational as possible. It also had clear parameters around the process.  – Chris B.


Divorce can be a difficult, painful process as it involves change and all of us resist change, even when we think we want it!  I benefited by having a framework and proven methodology that serves to calm down the fear and anxiety that can accompany divorce.  We also saved lots of money by staying out of court. – M.A.H.


The collaborative divorce method is respectful of each spouse and provides a structure to meet the needs of both the wife and husband.   When we hit a sticking point, Martha provided sage advice and represented me with calm, level-headed conviction.  – Sandy A.


I am glad we chose collaborative divorce because it allowed us to dissolve our marriage in a way that was not bitter or destructive.  Throughout the process, communication was facilitated and respectful. That made difficult conversations easier for all involved. – Heather P.


Collaborative divorce helped me establish a positive post-divorce relationship with my ex-spouse.  – Heather P.


What did you enjoy most about working with Martha?


It was truly a pleasure working with you and the process was exactly what we needed. You do a tremendous service to the people you work with. More than you can ever know. It’s such a painful and deeply embarrassing time, and to have the kind of care and support collaborative divorce provides helps ease that burden. You give help to people when they are at their most vulnerable – without judgment, or hesitation. In many ways you are a healer. – Heather P.


From the first minutes, I felt a connection with Martha that she was a seasoned professional and a compassionate human person who I could trust to walk with me through this process.  She was readily available for advice whether in person, email or on the phone.  Martha helped me be prepared for the next meetings, treated both of us with respect and kept the negotiations open to creative thinking and out of black and white adversarial thinking.  It was also clear that she kept her professional skills current and that she was enjoying her work.  Finding someone with such a heart and expertise in this arena was a blessing! – M.A.H.


Martha offered me reassurance, respect, comfort, empathy and hope when I needed it most.  She is a true professional with a heart of gold and I recommend her highly to anyone facing a divorce. – Sandy A.


I always felt that Martha had my best interests in mind.  Through Martha’s help, my vision of the future went from frightening to hopeful, and by the end of the process I was confident that life after divorce would be peaceful and even joyful. – Heather P.


What about your life today reassures you that choosing collaborative divorce was the right choice for you and your spouse?


Most if not all of the boundaries and obligations are still in place and working well. There are always bumps but having a process to refer back to on how the decisions were made is what convinced me it was the right choice. Also, I have seen other processes of divorce that have not gone well at all. – Chris B.


From the outset of our decision to divorce, we each knew that we wanted to maintain a friendship and do no harm to family or friends.  We were able to accomplish this goal as we had to maintain our contractual agreement to work through the process together.  Knowing this was our overarching goal was the framework that supported the process and made it possible to stay connected and reassure family and friends that this was possible. – M.A.H.【正規品】【17SS新作】【日本限定モデル】【40周年記念】MYSTERY RANCH(ミステリーランチ) SCAPE ARTIST スケープアーティスト リュック デイパック バックパック 日本限定
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